
The pool is open to members and their guests between Memorial Day and Labor Day.  Circumstances may allow for earlier and later closings.  Alterations to the pool's season is a decision of the Board of Directors. The following are the operating hours during the swim season. 

Open Swim: 

Monday - Sunday: 12:15-9pm

Adult Swim: 

Sunday: 10am-12pm

T/Th: 5:30-6:30am

Wednesday: 10:15am-12pm

Saturday: 10am-12pm (except swim meet days)

Some days the pool is scheduled to close early for swim meets, a club party or in observance of holidays.  

Fourth of July: Holiday Hours - Open Swim 12-6pm

The pool may also close early because of weather conditions or at the Manager’s discretion for any one of the following reasons.