Swim Lessons
Level 3
Naper Carriage Hill Swim & Racquet Club
Swim Lesson Report Card
Meets Expectations
Emerging Skill
Unwilling to Try
Level Three
Swimmer ________________________________
Instructor ________________________________
All 1’s are required to proceed to the next level
_____ Jump into deep water from the side.
_____ Demonstrate a head-first entry from the side in a sitting or kneeling position.
_____ Submerge and independently retrieve an object from chest deep water in three seconds or less.
_____ Bob with head fully submerged in chest deep water at least 5 times.
_____ Demonstrate rotary breathing with body in a horizontal position at least 5 times.
_____ Demonstrate a front glide using at least two different kicks, each for two body lengths.
_____ Demonstrate a front float in deep water for at least 30 seconds.
_____ Demonstrate a back glide using at least two different kicks, each for two body lengths.
_____ Demonstrate a back float in deep water for at least 30 seconds.
_____ Change from a vertical to a horizontal position on front.
_____ Change from a vertical to a horizontal position on back.
_____ Tread in deep water, using hands and leg movements for at
least 30 seconds.
_____ Demonstrate freestyle for at least 15 yards.
_____ Demonstrate backstroke for at least 15 yards.
_____ Demonstrate butterfly kick and body motion for at least 15 yards.
_____ Demonstrate a reaching assist with the ring buoy.
_____ Discuss how to call for help
_____ Discuss rules for safe diving.
Exit Skills Assessment (if applicable)
_____ Jump into chest-deep water from the side, swim freestyle for 15 yards with face in the water and breathing rhythmically either to the front or the side, maintain position by treading or floating for 30 seconds, and return to the side using a backstroke. All MUST be completed without hesitation or interruption.
Recommendation for next session: _______________________________
Instructor Signature: ___________________________________________
* Please retain this copy for your own reference.